Walker Art Center

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Translocation Mixer (screen shot), 2003

lives and works in formed 2001, Recife, Brazil


"We believe in the possibility of artists creating music, art, and films in a collaborative way, open and free."-H. D. Mabuse

Re:combo is a Brazilian-based but now worldwide collective of "musicians, software engineers, DJs, professors, journalists and computer geeks," who combine live events, peer-to-peer networking, and music resampling as their medium.

For Translocations Re:combo has put out a "Call for Noises" on the Internet for three elements from different cities around the world: percussive patterns, noise, and speech. These then become the samples for the "Translocal Mixer," a new Flash-based project that uses sliders to allow participants to create their own mix of world sounds--a kind of urban synth online, on the fly.

Because part of Re:combo's message is the idea of a creative commons, where ideas and sources are freely shared--intellectual generosity instead of intelectual property--the repository for the sound files from the Call for Noise will be "OPUS," the "Open Platform for Unlimited Signification" by Raqs Media Collective, which is also part of the Translocations exhibition.

Re:combo will also be doing a live, 2 hour program on the Translocal Channel every Friday at 16:00 (Brasilia), 14:00 CST, 20:00 GMT. Tune in to http://translocations.walkerart.org/channel/.


Cabelo is a cultural seismographer, creating public performances and sculptural environments that chart the fault lines and energy flows of the physical, psychic, and geographic spaces of his life in Brazil.
"Modernism in Brazil reconstitutes the past as a possibility of projecting itself in the future . . . Brazilian culture reformulated rather than refused the relationship with tradition and past."
The utopian character of How Latitudes Become Forms resides in its taking the model of a world without a center as a poetics and an epistemology of curating.