Walker Art Center

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Charles Lim Yi Yong  b.1975  (Singapore)
lives and works in Singapore
Tien Wei Woon  b.1975  (Singapore)
lives and works in Singapore

launch excerpt of Arts Nation (Singapore) documentary about tsunamii.net

tsunamii.net was formed in 2002 to explore the relationship between physical space and cyberspace.

For alpha 3.4 at Documenta 11, according to the New York Times, the "two artists walk[ed] from Kassel to Kiel, Germany, as their movements are tracked by a G.P.S. device. The data is sent by mobile phone to a base station that initiates a sequence of Web browsing in Kassel, creating a bridge between the real and the virtual."

The relationship of globalization and the arts is not about "ecumenism or good will," or about political correctness, or even worse, guilt.
Tokyo is (still) connected globally to other big cities such as New York and London—so-called global cities that share the same kind of reality realized by the global economy.
. . . the understanding of certain words, such as globalism, shifts in different contexts. We needed to unpack the associations we had with that term, in particular how globalism and multiculturalism mean different things.